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Yeah, we know it is a bit of a stretch to ask if this “Mono Track” scooter-like thing might replace motorcycles someday. But the minibike is an interesting deviation from the prototypical two-wheel motorcycle. So here’s what we know about the Make It Extreme Monotrack.

First, the bike is made entirely from cast-off parts. That means you might be able to make one of your own for fun times and lots of thumbs-up smiles. There is a whole video to show you how to make your own mono track.

Where does the Mono Track tread come from?

First, the Make It Extreme craftsman cuts the sidewalls off a tire. This results in a military-like tank tread. Next up is the engine, a 100cc two-stroke motor from a scooter wreck. 

From there, it is over to the mill to create five aluminum rollers to support the tread wrapping around the bike. Three rollers at the front of the frame offer most of the support, but there are two additional in the rear. You’ll also need the one driving wheel/drum that powers the track tread.

What is made and what is purchased?

Mono Track single wheel bike mock up
Mono Track single wheel bike | Make It Extreme via YouTube

A frame comes together to both support all of the components and engine but also to get adjustability of the track, as it needs to be taunt. Those front shocks offer some adjustability to a swingarm as they push down on the track/tread. So, not only machining skills but also welding chops are the keys to getting to the end of this build. 

External components like the gas tank, exhaust, throttle, and brake lines are the next part of the assembly. Finally, a seat, handlebar, and headlights are the final part of the assembly. Everything but the engine, exhaust, and original tire is fabbed, including the gas tank, frame, seat, pegs, and more.

How does one ride the Mono Track bike?

Mono Track single wheel bike side without rider
Mono Track single wheel bike | Make It Extreme via YouTube

From there, the next part of the video shows different shots of the mono-track riding around. It is a squat, compact scooter, which raises the question of if it could be scaled up to a larger version. And not being especially fast, what a larger motor might do for speed and excitement? However, it is not for many DIYers. Fabrication skills are a must, and the video makes it look so easy. 

Mono Track single wheel bike side with rider
Mono Track single wheel bike | Make It Extreme via YouTube

Though the rider can ride with the lower rollers contacting the pavement, it looks like the most comfortable and desirable position for the driver is wheels-up. The visuals make it look like someone riding a mini bike doing a wheelie. But the Make It Extreme bike looks like a fun project, with the reward being riding around town with people scratching their heads.


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