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Contributing WriterMore articles: Trucks

Desiree Homer

Desiree Homer began contributing content to MotorBiscuit in 2018. She is a veteran in all things sales and marketing and at writing results-oriented sales copy. Her professional credentials include: 15+ years in direct Sales (local, regional and national industries), 5+ years in Television Advertising, 5+ years in Staffing and Business Development, and 3+ Years in Automotive Sales.

She began contributing to Endgame360 in 2018. She is a Jeep enthusiast at heart and spent more than three years selling cars for GM and Ford dealerships. Desiree has sold everything from high-end Cadillac models to farm-reliable pickups. She has also written for Bob Vila.





924 posts From Author
A Rolls-Royce Ghost Extended car is displayed during the 19th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition

What Makes a Rolls-Royce Car Special?

Of all the cars considered "haute couture," the Rolls-Royce models may just take the cake. The notable style, incredible quality, and famed hood ornament make the Rolls-Royce recognizable to almost anyone.