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Blue semi-truck driving on a highway, highlighting why truck air horns are so load

Why Are Semi-Truck Horns so Loud?

A distinctive feature of semi-trucks is their air horn, which produces a loud trumpet-like sound. Let’s take a closer look to find out why truck horns are so loud — and the purpose for using them.
Front angle view of Ford F-150 Raptor, highlighting reasons why American cars are so big compared to other countries

Why Are American Cars so Big?

In America, it’s “go big or go home.” This hugeness principle applies to many things, including cars. We take a look at the various reasons why cars tend to be bigger in the U.S.
Pope Francis rides in the Popemobile around D.C.'s National Mall

What Car is the Popemobile?

Have you ever seen the Pope traveling around in an unusual car with bulletproof glass and other modifications? It’s called the Popemobile, and it’s an interesting sight to behold. See the Popemobile cars for the current and previous Popes.