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MotorBiscuit Contributing WriterMore articles: Trucks

Ron King

Ron King started as a contributing writer for MotorBiscuit in 2020. He spent 22 years as an aerospace machinist and aircraft structures mechanic for Spirit Aerosystems. An expert in explaining complicated subjects earned through 16 years as an adult educator, Ron currently teaches precision measuring and shop math at Tulsa Technology Center. He travels the country in a travel trailer, so Ron is most interested in new trucks, solar charging systems, advancing battery technology, and the EV wave to come.

520 posts From Author
Deer walking next to a busy road.

What’s a Wildlife-Vehicle Collision (WVC)?

You’ve probably seen roadkill, the results of a wildlife-vehicle collision (WVC) while driving or riding as a passenger in a car or on a motorcycle. In some sparsely populated western states, up to 20 percent of car accidents result from colliding with an animal. The easiest way to prevent a WVC is to practice car-safety …